Measure the maxinautes: Lien
What can you tell us about yourself and your position within Maxicon?
Lien: "I am Lien, 38 years old, and I am a Commercial Recruiter for Retail & Logistix. This means I deal with both HR and sales. This division is twofold, the first segment being Retail. In this, we send our employees out to supermarkets to replenish the shelves during the night. A unique concept considering supermarkets themselves are not allowed to organise night work. On the other hand, there is the logistics segment. The word says it all, this includes everything in terms of logistics employees. These positions range from order pickers to forklift drivers, reach truck operators and operators."
How did you experience your start-up at Maxicon about 1 year ago?
Lien: "I definitely experienced my start-up as positive, surrounded by positive and professional colleagues. Everyone guided me well and still does. It has been an intense period, though. Following up employees as well as customers and prospecting. That makes for a tough challenge; you can't lose sight of either. I'm glad I have a colleague to reinforce me in the meantime. At Maxicon, a family feeling is central to creating a bond with the employees and I want to focus on that. There must of course be a match between employee and project, but also with Maxicon. That is a very important factor in the long term."
"I would like to be established and have a resounding name in West and East Flanders within two years."
- Lien, commercial recruiter Retail & Logistix
What was the convincing factor for you to choose Maxicon?
Lien: "I am from the region so Maxicon is not an unfamiliar name to me. I therefore consider it an honour to be associated with it. I've known Trui for some time, to work with her again completes the circle. HR is my hobbyhorse, visiting companies and looking for the perfect match on the shop floor, that's what I love. The human factor is very important to me and I want to radiate this as an employer.
Management expectations are high. As in any commercial company, performance has to be achieved, but I think there is a whole return to the employees. This is about small things like a gift at Employee Day or closing the week together on Friday. That is also the reason why I chose Maxicon and the people behind it. I also want to extend that feeling to my team, that they consciously choose Maxicon as a whole."

What does an average working day look like for you?
Lien: "Average is not in our dictionary at Maxicon. Every day looks different, which just makes it exciting and challenging. I come from the temping sector and know from myself that I need that adrenaline, kick and rush. But beware, after five days, I'll be worn out. We get a lot of leeway within the leadership of our unit. We have a lot in which we can learn and grow. We can organise our day ourselves, partly thanks to sliding hours. I find that super, because I'm not really a morning person (laughs). Things are certainly not rosy every day in our industry, but that keeps us on our toes. This is necessary, as there is a lot of competition in the market. Not only in the outsourcing sector, but every company also does its own recruiting, so we have to go that extra mile."
How do you see the growth of Maxicon Retail & Logistix?
Lien: "Suddenly coming to head a division that was... Difficult I won't say difficult, because something has already been built up, but personally it was quite a challenge. The main goal is to remain stable, but secretly I hope for a slight growth in logistics, which is where I have the greatest knowledge myself. I first want to further develop Retail & Logistix here in West Flanders and put it firmly on the map."

What is your personal mission and vision?
Lien: "That ties in with the above. First becoming an established player in West Flanders and then expanding to other provinces. I am looking forward to expanding our team and growing together both from Roeselare and Landegem. Definitely the Logistix story. Every company, no matter how small, always needs logistics support. We feel a great demand on the market so we will respond to that in the coming months and years."
What will the division look like in two years' time?
Lien: "I would like to be an established and resounding name in West and East Flanders within two years. After that, the aim is to expand further into Antwerp and Limburg. My mottos are 'the sky is the limit' and 'focus on the goal'. I want to be present everywhere with Maxicon, spread all over Flanders, but we shouldn't walk before we can walk. For the rest, I personally want to be a good, fully-fledged Maxicon ambassador so that I can also radiate this to my team. We want to become the best and stay the best in our profession."
Looking for logistics / retail talent?
Contact Lien on 051 79 20 20 or
We will gladly look at the possibilities together to see how we can unburden you.
Or interested in getting started at Retail & Logistix?